November 21, 2022

A spear of golden sunlight pierces the gray November sky as the winter solstice approaches, just one month away. The 2022 season presented challenges - mostly centered around water - with broken pumps, a dry well, and a drought that lasted two months.

In spite of it though, we grew some beautiful fruit and vegetables, and dazzling flowers, and have so much to be grateful for.

We’re at the brief shining moment when we actually have everything in our catalogue on hand right now. Rather than list all the crops and tell the stories of their seasons, I’m just writing to say that we’ll suspend holiday orders from the website on December 18 and reopen for orders on January 2, 2023.

Tiny Farmstand will stay open to local friends until the end of the year unless the weather plunges below 10F. (You can always message me and pick up orders by appointment if I need to close the building.) We’ll open back up again in mid-March.

We’re still cooking nearly every day and sending out packages as often.

Our health is good (in spite of some wear and tear here and there) and Abbey is as joyful as ever.

I’m happily perusing the new seed catalogues and scouting sources of Damson Plum trees to replace the 36-year-old trees that finally succumbed to the triple ravages of porcupines, black knot, and drought.

Ralph is busily baking bread and pies and pasta and all kinds of good food and we’re enjoying the slower pace that winter brings.

Sending love and wishes for comfort and joy to you and your families, with hearts overflowing with gratitude.

Love, Patti and Ralph and Abbey the Joyful

Bringing in the garlic in late July.


March 17, 2023


March 12, 2022